The thing about college is that you really don't have just one first day of school. You have at least two. Monday, I had two of my classes for the first time. Yesterday, I had the rest. Personally, two first days is one too many for me. That is two days of picking out what you are to wear strategically, but not too strategically. You can't look like a slob because that reflects poorly on your work ethic and overall attitude, but you can't look too fancy, because that reflects poorly on your self-image, which we simply cannot have. You also can't look too hipster, because you aren't, nor can you look to boring, because you aren't. It is the unachievable balance of the back to school wardrobe. I chose to err on the side of not caring enough, for it is in my long-haired nature to not care.
There are other balances that are difficult. You have to be friendly, but not too friendly. This one is especially challenging for me. I tend to be a bit of an extremist (hence my top two college choices being a school of 2,000 students and a school of 40,000 students). When I am in a situation with new people, I tend to lean one of two ways: sit quietly and wait to be approached, or introduce myself to everyone with all of the enthusiasm in my heart. This has been known to occasionally be an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm. I have tended to be quieter than loud these past couple days. With several exceptions.
This year, I am co-leading a Bible study in a dorm called Briscoe. There are three main "neighborhoods" of dorms on IU's campus: Northwest, Central, and Southeast. When each student preferences their living situation, they go into it with a bit of knowledge about the stereotypes of each neighborhood. It is no secret that Northwest is the party hood. Not only is Briscoe in Northwest, but it is the Northwest-est, physically and spiritually. If you would join me in praying that we would have the persistence and the opportunity to love these women, that would be wonderful. One big thing you can pray for us is that girls would simply give us a chance. Out of the women in all of the dorms, Briscoe has by far the least amount of girls who have expressed a desire to be involved in small groups.
Just because it has been and is this way does not mean that we accept it. We pray, and we pray boldly, for change. I am already fighting discouragement with the truth that we have a God "who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Ephesians 3:20)."
To Him be all of the glory, and all of my life,