Katy, Justin, Anna, and I set up two tents with tarps underneath and a giant tarp covering the two tents, the campsite, and overall just a giant chunk of Indiana. We then scoffed at a few drops of rain, and checked out the nature center. We hiked, whistled, frolicked, and met the CUTEST TURTLE to ever live. We were very outdoorsy.
After a dinner back in Bloomington with my visiting family, I returned to McCormick's Creek. We grilled burgers and started a fire. Sarah, Mikala, and Amelia joined us for the rest of a beautiful evening. After one of the creepiest walks to a bathroom in my life with Amelia including a dog that was way scarier than it should have been, guys yelling unintelligible phrases presumably at us, and other things (I mean really, who sits alone in a car in a state park at night with the car lights on), we went to bed around midnight. Cozily tucked away in our tent, around 3:30a.m., it started POURING. No worries, we were in a tent/tarp cocoon of ultimate safety, right?
I woke up in the morning to the sound of rain, totally dry, and fairly pleasant for it being morning and for having not brought a pillow. I asked for Amelia to examine my sleeping bag with me, and to help me deduce why there were two small wet spots on it. She kindly pointed out that the interior of our tent was, at that point, a puddle that simply hadn't seeped through both layers of the sleeping bag I was laying atop of.
We did not spend another night there, instead going back that evening to clean up and play a couple low-energy games of Apples to Apples. I approve of this.
I wish I could tell you that this is the last time I will ever camp in a tropical storm, but we all know me way to well to expect a promise like that.
Dry and happy,