I’m back.
Yes, I guess this makes me a travel blogger. I’m embracing it, and you’re
welcome to join me. I’m in England, and I’ve unpacked my bags and am plopping
down here for a bit to finish my student teaching.
This is a
big week in England. First, and most obvious, they have received me.
Additionally, exciting space things have been happening, at least in theory.
THINGS. They don’t even have to be exciting ones. One of the ways Jesus let me
actually know for the first time that He is real and loves me is through
studying outer space, fifth grade style. It’s all just so impressive to me. I
love stargazing. One of my favorite (or should I say favourite) places in the
whole wide world is near Lake Monroe – a place where I’ve never seen another
person that I didn’t bring with me. I love to climb out of the light pollution
of IU’s campus and stare at the stars and trying to find shooting ones. I’ve
been known to do this at temperatures down to 30 degrees. Fahrenheit. Because
in Celsius, that would be super unimpressive.
I love
marveling at the sky any time of day, any configuration of clouds, yelling
frequently “LOOK AT THE SKY,” to inevitably hear in return, “Look at which guy?”
I even love getting made fun of because apparently I get way too excited about
moon halos which are SUPER IMPRESSIVE. I just think it’s cool that out of all
things, God chose to make SKY, a monstrous stretch of ever-dynamic artwork that,
no matter what we as humans destroy, is still all over the place.
I know you
may think it’s cool to be a Debby Downer about Indiana. First of all, it isn’t.
Secondly, there are lots of reasons why it isn’t, not least of which being the
entirely rad sunrises and sunsets. I have been #blessed to do lots of
traveling, and in my travels, I’ve seen a great deal of wonders and beauty. On
the flip side, I’ve also seen some very unimpressive sky stuff.
Example 1: I
wake up at 4:30 in the morning to watch the “sunrise” on the Charles Bridge in
Prague and end up watching the sky turn gradually lighter gray. My least
favo(u)rite color at my least favo(u)rite time of day.
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My paining collage of a rain cloud. |
Example 2:
THIS WEEK. Let’s do a walk-through, shall we?
Unlike its close relative, the superstar, this celestial phenomena doesn’t sing
or dance, but it does show up in the sky SUPER BIG, and it was supposed to do
this last night. But guess what. Too cloudy. Rushed out the back door. Clouds.
Rushed out the front door. Clouds. The only thing worse than no stars is no
moon. And the only thing worse than no
moon is NO SUPERMOON when you’ve been promised one.
This morning, after reveling in the fact that I’ll see an eclipse (the first of
this magnitude in the UK since 1999) while my friends and family at home are
asleep in the dark and sitting through videos and DON’T LOOK AT THE SUN
speeches with my Year 3 students, the sky got maybe slightly darker. Maybe. Thanks
again, clouds.
Student A: It’s
the eclipse.
Student B:
No, it’s going to rain.
EQUINOX”: Fine. It’s actually the spring equinox. But I’m bitter, so it gets
quotes, too. I had to google what exactly a spring equinox is. I know about the
winter one – when you celebrate that it’s only uphill from here, and the summer
one – when you celebrate that it’s the longest day of the year and push the
fact that it’s only downhill from here deep into the darkest, bitterest corner
of your brain with that memory of a missed supermoon during your study abroad.
But apparently there’s a spring one, too. It means that day and night are the
same length. And honestly, I don’t care. Though maybe I should because that
means that we will get more light than dark from here on out. But in comparison
to a SUPERMOON and ECLIPSE, this is routine, boring stuff.
So there you
go. Your first post in ages, and it’s just little old me, ranting. (Please do
know that everything is going well, and I’m enjoying life.)
Welcome back to Europe. I love England. If you want to make a road-trip, flights between London and Budapest are cheap and from Budapest (which is great all by itself) you can get to Ukraine by train and hold babies and love on orphans with us and tell all your friends you went to a country at war with Russia!