Friday, May 4, 2012

The Summer Bucket List Challenge

Hey there beautiful people!

It's summer time for this girl, and I am back in the town of Fishers.

You know what time it is! Shout it out! That's right, SUMMER BUCKET LIST TIME!

Summer Bucket List Time:

  1. Have a picnic
  2. Blow bubbles
  3. Unexpectedly attack someone with a water balloon
  4. Draw with chalk
  5. Create multiple things that I have pinned on Pinterest
  6. Make a new friend
  7. Be on a winning team in a game of ultimate frisbee
  8. Camp
  9. Do something undeniably MAINSTREAM
  10. Get back my head-kicking skillz
  11. Become good at a song on guitar
  12. Read a classic novel
  13. Go to a concert
  14. Make homemade popsicles
  15. Stargaze
  16. Cloudgaze
  17. Get a sunburn (on accident)
  18. Go to an open house of a beloved graduate
  19. Kayak around the lake
  20. Go to a museum
  21. Write a poem
  22. Run (quickly)
  23. Play volleyball
  24. Visit a friend at work
  25. Go to the park
  26. Make a new recipe
  27. Visit my pals back in B-town
  28. Go antiquing
  29. Sleep in 
  30. Drop by the Fort Wayne area
  31. Hike
  32. See a sunrise
  33. Go to a zoo
  34. Go to an amusement park and be amused there
  35. Tie dye
  36. Paint some walls
  37. Make a summer playlist
  38. Go to the lake
  39. Spot a snake or two
  40. Go to the state fair
  41. Go to a county fair
  42. Babysit (not necessarily a baby, contrary to the title)
  43. Serenade someone
  44. Memorize a lullaby on flute
  45. Snap an inspiring photograph (by my own standards)
  46. Make a clover crown and wear in public
  47. Spontaneous dance party
  48. Have a brother sister date
  49. Have a sister sister date
  50. Prayer walk
  51. Try watermelon (even though I hate it every time)
  52. Go to a library
  53. Go to a state park
  54. Bonfire
  55. Dominate in a cherry seed spitting throwdown
  56. Make a victorious garage sale purchase
  57. Eat a hot dog (I'm that into summer. I hate hot dogs. They probably hate me too.)
  58. Use my new passport for the first time
  59. Write a letter and send it in the mail
  60. Slip n' Slide
  61. Teach someone something
  62. Sing praises outside at night
  63. Learn more Spanish
  64. Make a friendship bracelet for a friend 
  65. Build a fort
  66. Eat peaches, plums, and nectarines
  67. Watch The Little Mermaid with my sister, who has never seen it
  68. Play a game of HORSE
  69. Read Revelation
  70. Make something to display in the apartment next year
  71. Use (slash abuse) an accent
  72. Give someone a gift, just because
  73. Go to Tennessee
  74. Catch up with someone I haven't seen all year
  75. Get a snow cone and order it half naked, for the love of ice
  76. Read to a little kid
  77. Paint my nails black
  78. Community service
  79. Go barefoot
  80. Ride a bike (big feat for me)
  81. Take my dog on a walk
  82. Eat ice cream on the wall at Handel's
  83. Play in a sprinkler
  84. Sew something
  85. Walk in a creek (since my friends forbid me from calling it "crick stompin'")
  86. Canoe or kayak in the White River
  87. Dance in the rain
  88. Go to a game of my sister and cheer loudly
  89. Go to a game of Brother Louise and cheer loudly again
  90. Fish
  91. Name my own constellation and be able to find it again
  92. Color a picture and hang it on someone else's refrigerator
  93. Buy lemonade (or whatever is being sold) at a kid's lemonade stand
  94. Publicly frolic
  95. Go roller skating/blading
  96. Try a new food
  97. Finally watch the last Lord of the Rings movie
  98. Get muddy
  99. Try a new flavor of ice cream
  100. Make something out of duct tape (a.k.a. relive the glory days)
  101. Go to a baseball game
Do everything on this list. Take pictures, if you can. And you, reader who completes the most, will win a glorious, undetermined prize.

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